Saturday, October 29, 2011

weekend moment

a single photo, and not so many words, gak jadi ke samarinda... :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Bubur Manado ala Mama Fasihi

Mama yang satu ini emang baiiiiiik banget, sebelumnya kita2 udah pernah dibawain lalapan ikan bakar, lengkap, ada tahu, tempe ama udang bakar juga, plus sambal tomat sama sambel mangga (sayangnya hari itu kamera saya ketinggalan, saya langsung mati kutu kalo gak bawa kamera).. hari ini tadi dia masakin kita bubur manado.. pas banget ya, Jumat pagi ini Balikpapan hujan deres merata di mana2.. bubur manado yang masih panas, pas banget buat ngangetin perut.. huge Thank You and hug buat Mama Fasihi.. :D

nyam nyam..
Bu Andi Kurnia aka Mama Fasihi
Alhamdulillah ya... :D

tampilan baru dan fitur baru di blog saya

alhamdulillah, subhanallah.. I grew bored with my blog layout, 2 kolom, dan gitu2 aja.. then I redesigned it, clinicoustic's scratch has been living with some vintage look in header and background image.. that was my old personality hahaha.. now, I love crafting, and it completely has nothing to do with cs new look.. lol.. I removed my blog header image and stand with the original text from the template..

I designed some buttons for the new feature of clinicoustic's scratch, "post series".. now you can directly choose to read my special stories about my beloved city I'm residing for the last 4 years, Balikpapan, in the first button "Beloved East Coast" and other won't-boring-you stories of my life hahahaha (ke-pede-an Mode:On)

here's the new layout as seen on your screen now, and the buttons I'm talking about

what do you think of the redesigned and the new feature of clinicoustic's scratch?? do you like it?? :D

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a friends day

Alif couldn't come to school today because of his stomachache since yesterday.. and stayed at home is a boring thing ever since I've been crafting in Creative Mommas, so I called Mama Fio and not-really-serious invited them to work at my home.. oh my, they really came then.. I remember a quote, a friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.. as always, we're having fun while we're working..

I'm so thankful you ladies to come and made my day so funny as everyday with you, and I really love being involved in our super fun crafting community.. :D
Creative Mommas's crafts ready to order.. more pictures to come.. anyway, we got super cute "Angry Birds" felt craft but it wasn't done in the rope,so I decided to post its picture later when it has completely done.. :D
I made a super delicious melon syrup to refresh the hot day..

in other news, I always panic anytime I heard Alif says "mom, my belly hurt.." like yesterday, then I sent him to hospital in the afternoon but get back home because the doctor wasn't available until 7 pm, and we brought him to the hospital again at 7.30pm.

Alif in hospital lobby, everyone said he didn't seem sick..

Sunday, October 23, 2011

crafty rainy day off

semua orang lagi ngomongin hujan seharian di Balikpapan hari ini, gak ketinggalan sampe TV nasional juga menyiarkan berita tentang pesawat LionAir yang tergelincir di landasan pacu bandara sepinggan tadi pagi pas hujan deres.. tapi itu gak ada hubungannya sama saya.. yang nyambung cuma soal hujan, ya pasti karena not cooperating weather itulah, we ended up stayed in on day off, tapi bagus juga buat saya, saya jadi ada waktu buat ngerjain angry birds projects..

baru sore2 abis ashar langitnya mulai cerah ya.. abis nganterin ibu' beli air-climber, suami saya ngajakin cari maem, saya terus inget pangsit gunpas, jadilah kami ke sana, tapi kehabisan.. akhirnya balik lagi de makan pangsit di bawah (sebutan untuk mi ayam ojo lali di jembatan mariyati).. :D

enjoying crafting, done with boomerang and almost done splitting birds.. :D
mi ayam are all over the place in Balikpapan, and always the great way to enjoy cold rainy day..
a very cold Sunday evening, enjoy hot tea with Papa and Alif.. happy tomorrow..!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

my old purse new contents lately

that's so rare that I cleaning out my super old purse then switch over to another new one, well I don't have any new purse right now (lol).. I still wear the same purse ever since 2009, and get a new fancy or not fancy bag is still bad news for my wallet.. would anyone donate for me to get new purse I'm currently craving for?? lmao

whatever, as you know, I'm now part of Creative Mommas and one more, please click like Creative Mommas on facebook too, thanks for clicking and being crafty.. anyway, ever since I was felt crafting, there are some new stuffs inside my purse that I think they're not what I was before.. I never felt crafted before.. I don't know, it's aesthetically cute and pretty or boring.. whatever again, I love my purse and everything in it.. xoxo

1 gambar karakter angry birds, nemu di

2 pola paruh boomerang bird

3 buku qiro'ati saya, biar lebih lancar baca Al-Qur'an hehe

4 the first ever donat I crafted

5 2nd project, never finished cupcake

6 paruh egg bird

7 paruh splitting bird

8 kata Mama syifa itu dompet nenek saya.. hahaha isinya jarum, benang dan uang receh

9 buku notes Alif, nyasar

10 old tablet PC buat gaya2an aja hehehe

11 saus McD's nyasar juga

12 red regular bird

13 most satisfying angry bird character ever

14 dan 16 potongan2 flanel buat egg ama splitting bird

15 boomerang bird siap jahit..

it's not done yet..
photo today :D

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Al-Auliya Islamic Kindergarten Food Festival

yesterday Alif has asked to bring any fruit for today's moving class event.. I don't really understand what moving class is, and when I asked other moms, they absolutely where I was too..

so it was like celebrating healthy food festival for the kids.. I think festival sounded so similar to party, and it meant eat as much as you can.. some Alif's friends eat so much and that's the opposite of my son, I think he ate too little for that way too much food around..

pictures from today

enjoy the food and the kids crowd.. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

whenever we get together, we know we're going to have fun

let me say, lately my life has been a big meeting, crafting, laughing and eating.. oh my, it's nobody's birthday, but we, as always, laugh while our hands stitching and I don't know whose idea it was, we just decided to eat out again in I-don't know-whose favorite spot to eat then more laugh..

here some pictures from today..

this morning, talking about angry birds, for myself, creating my own idea to draw the patterns of angry birds characters is like I must swallow an elephant, but I I no longer saying "I could never do that" so, Semangkaaaa!! :D
whew!! I'm a good model I guess.. :D
learning by stitching
my very own version of Pangsit Gunung Pasir, with no noodle.. I didn't finished those balls.. that's way too many balls in my bowl.. but there are always friend's bowls to throw some out..

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the first order, stitching angry birds preparation

dari tadi sore, tab2 di browser saya isinya tentang angry birds felt craft ideas and patterns.. saya sangat excited walaupun agak capek dan bingung mau menggambar pola karakter2 angry birds di kertas.. saya udah nemu beberapa website yang menyediakan tutorial gratis untuk bikin boneka2 angry birds, tapi saya bingung gimana ngasih taunya ke mama2 yang lain ya..

akhirnya saya mutusin besok saya akan bawa netbook axio classmate yang udah gak pernah saya pake lebih dari setahunan, dan googling di sekolah aja sama mama2 yang lain.. believe it or not, semua temen2 creative mommas gak ada yang tau apa itu angry birds, tp mama faza tau ya walaupun gak seakrab saya sama infuriating and depressing angry birds.. jadi mereka gak bisa mbayangin boneka angry birds itu kayak apa.. saya udah harus nyiapin yang mau saya bawa besok, soalnya charger netbook-nya aja saya udah gak tau saya simpen di mana.. :D

free tutorial found..
a dusty kind of knowledge..
[felted angry birds images stolen from]

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