that's so rare that I cleaning out my super old purse then switch over to another new one, well I don't have any new purse right now (lol).. I still wear the same purse ever since 2009, and get a new fancy or not fancy bag is still bad news for my wallet.. would anyone donate for me to get new purse I'm currently craving for?? lmao
whatever, as you know, I'm now part of Creative Mommas and one more, please click like Creative Mommas on facebook too, thanks for clicking and being crafty.. anyway, ever since I was felt crafting, there are some new stuffs inside my purse that I think they're not what I was before.. I never felt crafted before.. I don't know, it's aesthetically cute and pretty or boring.. whatever again, I love my purse and everything in it.. xoxo
1 gambar karakter angry birds, nemu di
2 pola paruh boomerang bird
3 buku qiro'ati saya, biar lebih lancar baca Al-Qur'an hehe
4 the first ever donat I crafted
5 2nd project, never finished cupcake
6 paruh egg bird
7 paruh splitting bird
8 kata Mama syifa itu dompet nenek saya.. hahaha isinya jarum, benang dan uang receh
9 buku notes Alif, nyasar
10 old tablet PC buat gaya2an aja hehehe
11 saus McD's nyasar juga
12 red regular bird
13 most satisfying angry bird character ever
14 dan 16 potongan2 flanel buat egg ama splitting bird
15 boomerang bird siap jahit..
ReplyDeleteya kira2 begitu jadinya.. insha Allah senin udah bs dikirim..