It's August 1st, Ramadhan about to end in less than 10 days, I hope we all can make the most of these last days. Ramadhan will soon be leaving us, it's Eid coming next week, Subhanallah. And what makes this month more special is, my birthday in this month too, double blessings of Allah. I'd celebrate Eid but not my birthday. All of my energy and money should go for Eid celebration. But that's ok, I've had enough parties or celebrations in my life already haha.
So, there will be three celebrations for us, Eid, 17th of August Celebration and my 29th birthday. This will be a month filled with fun, food and gifts. Eid and my birthday are also the moment for me to take some reflection on the blessings that Allah has been showering us. To more appreciate for the life that was given to us. Alhamdulillah.. -♥-