Wednesday, February 06, 2013

happy thing to do

One of my son's favorite school activity is swimming. He was extremely excited to go to the pool again today. And we decided to stay longer in the pool and not going back to school with Alif's teacher and classmates. The weather was so comfortable for the kids to play in the water, the sun was at its hottest because it was mid-day and the water so warm. And I enjoyed longer time to spend with my friends to chat, lunch and took pictures.

Alif's skin got really dark after swimming, and I could even see the tan lines clearly

what we ate today

teman narsis asik hahaha


  1. my lil brother likes go to swimming pool too ^^ and yes he's tanner now, but he's so happy. I miss going to swimming pool.

    Kindly visit my little cream button ♥ | instagram

    1. you can go swimming with your lil bro Ayu.. that would be fun, unless he can't be leave alone in the pool, but that's no big deal right? it's worth it with fun we'll get there <3

  2. samaan nih kayak kakak Ara sukanyaaa berenang, abis berenaang makan makan deh yaa....

    narsis gapapa laaah... heehehhe

    1. hahaha
      anaknya seru2an berenang, emaknya seru2an foto2.. hahahaha


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