today I went on another unplanned quick hang out with my son, just like I always did.. just went out and took photos.. yeah, I really love taking pictures..

and this is how I spent yesterday.. I was stalking and watching what Alif doing and capturing some moments, not really special moments, just ordinary moments that I want to pause and remember.. (foto2 di bawah diambil pake kamera BB yang lagi lowbat, excuse for the noise)
Alif: "it's a fun thing to peek inside the fridge, and do thing with something to chew.."
in other news, I welcoming back "Remora", hape lama suami yang sempet dipinjem sana pinjem sini dan akhirnya nganggur di rumah Kr. Rejo setahunan.. hape sebelumnya yang saya pake setelah soner jalou saya awarahum, adalah samsung jadul abis pemberian bapak mertua tahun 2007, yang kalo saya geletakin di jalanan aja gak bakal ada yang mungut.. hahaha.. hampir seminggu ini saya pake this cute remora, dan I'm in love with her at the first re-touch..