to have fun with my family, I don't have to be up on a date or hangout to somewhere, I mean just in case we're out of energy to go out and walk around.. I actually asked my hubby to take us to our favorite spot aka nearest mall from our house, but I already knew that he was too tired too to walk.. and there was somethings we did, that then we realized were quiet entertaining our was-lame-friday-night.. :D

suami saya lg seneeeeeeng bgt maen piano, dia tau saya suka lagunya evanescence yg my immortal, sampe bela2in nyontek buat ngiringin saya nyanyi.. xoxo my hubby

buat saya sendiri, it's soooooo much fun to snap those moments and share it to you my friends.. I love taking pictures of everything in my life.. dan malam minggu ini kami mo ke timezone.. where will be you headed tonight guys?? have a wonderful Saturday night as ours.. xoxoxoxoxo