Saturday, June 10, 2006

when I'm going wrong...

What's the problem with these words? I know well, there was something gone wrong, and he is the only one that goes right. it's not only about us, sometimes I'm not sure did i ruin my day or no, but I don't have to wonder when I say, "Don't worry Honey. i just will be fine." he just get mad then.. I don't understand, I thought I was more verbal than him, but I was wrong, he never runs out of words or loss it when he's .....grousing.. but he's good at all, he's perfect, he usually say, "I told you..." I say all bout him here,,


  1. Cintaku yg aku kangenin banget, makasi yha atas Cintanya Cinta buat aku. Aku pengen terus memiliki Cinta, pengen aku manjain, aku sayangin, aku lindungin, sampe akhir hayatku ntar...

  2. So sweet kakak....


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