I just looked at my calendar and realize it's November 10th already, and I had no idea when I read so many tweets about "heroes" this morning hehe. It's been rough days lately. Many things surprised me, in a good way, in a bad way in whatever way, well I enjoyed it anyway *hmm dunno. I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally tired and unstable.
Anyhow, this is the recap of my life lately, which I know some of you don't care for, but I share it anyway hoho. Hope your November is going to be an awesome month. Happy National Heroes Day, and Happiest weekend to you. xo

Foto dua hari lalu, "tekunci pintu" photo shoots kisahnya hahaha. lupa bawa kunci, pas nyampe rumah, rumah jg lagi kosong. Daripada bete nunggu pertolongan, foto-foto dulu di teras hihihi.

Arisan emak bala-bala di rumah awal bulan. Sebenarnya ada banyak foto lain, tapi saya terlalu malas untuk mindahin dari kamera. Ini satu-satunya foto path yang saya download via airdroid.

And random path photos of my most recent life adventure.
random path photosnya bagus2 mbak,
ReplyDeleteitu kelupaan kunci piye tho mbak :)
alhamdulillah makasi mbak putri *hugs
Deleteiya kelupaan bawa kunci, maklum wonder woman, i wonder where i put my keys hahaha
Interesting :)