A little reminder tonight. Manusia tidak akan bisa menghitung nikmat yang Allah berikan setiap harinya, tapi kita selalu saja menghitung-hitung waktu kita untuk beribadah dan mensyukuri nikmat Allah. just like me, *sigh

ini sebenarnya foto udah beberapa waktu yang lalu, dari zombie booth. Have you been zombifying yourself on this? saya udah, dan sumpah saya jelek banget jadi zombie. hahaha

foto2 dari page Visit Miyajima I just liked an hour ago, on facebook *drooling*

found it from pinterest. And I really tried this, and it didn't work at all, and I feel so silly hahaha

my hubby said I look younger on these pics. damn, it means I look old in reality.. hahaha. I hope everyone have a great weekend tomorrow. xo
Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteYes I agree, kiat harus banyak-banyak bersyukur^^
I've been trying that zombie booth and its cool XD
Kindly visit my little cream button ♥ | instagram ♥
thank you Ayu.. have a lovely weekend too *hugs
Deletemanaaaa manaaa foto zombie mbak markati?? itu kan foto zombie pujaan hati mbak... hehehe pengen tauu...
ReplyDeleteasikk ya jalaaan jalaaan
haduh, jangan de, saya yang versi zombie ngeri bgt (baca:jelek bgt) hehehe