I have loved having a time to spend with my beloved friend and the kids yesterday. Here are a couple of photos from some fun moments of the weekend.

//Menghadiri acara peringatan Maulid Nabi di At-taqwa//The Body Shop 2013 resolution pinboard//brilliant idea from TBS//like I'd said, I have no any resolution for 2013, just go with it, so I wrote that one//I'm in love with this tiny little essential oil's bottles//and this chalkboard at the chocotiers//Alif's section/pic 8-9 Gong Xi Gong Xi is in the air//

with Masjid At-Taqwa background

another overpass photoshoot

Alif dan Faza, kompetisi mengangkat Nabigh terlama hahaha
like this a lot <3