Saturday, July 02, 2011


yep, Blackberry Messenger, it sure is.. what's up with BBM..?? no no, I'm not a BB user, never was, and never will be! saya berpendapat, pin BB kita tuh seharusnya sama personal-nya sama no hape, ah, gak tau ya, atau saya yang over-reacting about this BBM stuff..
seseorang bisa berubah saat di BBM, maksud saya, seseorang yang tadinya cuek, cool dan gak suka show off di FB, tau2 berubah jadi alay di BBM, masang foto2 yang narsis atau kalo gak foto sendiri ya gambar2 yang kira2 bisa menarik perhatian.. hello, are you looking for an attention?? why don't you just f**k off and die??! terus yang tadinya gak suka update status di FB, jadi rajin update status di BBM, yang kata2nya tuh bikin orang bertanya2, what happened?? are you okay?? oooh, I really wanna hit you with a shovel in the head!! YUCKS!! gak lebay di FB tapi super alay di BBM, it's even worse.. you're just the faker person I've ever known.. I hate BB, BBM and BB users who are suddenly change into a fake person..

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