pilkada Balikpapan.. ini kinda my 3rd election selama tinggal di Balikpapan, tadinya Papa Alif gak mau nyoblos, tapi dipaksa sama ibu, jadi berangkat juga de..

ini kira2 hasil sementara quick count pilkada Balikpapan sampai jam 3an sore ini
1=1,466 2=8,490 3=1,624 4=12,714 dari sini.
too cute Australia.. I thought it was just me overreacted about the training thing blah blah blah.. hahaha ternyata my hubby juga.. diem2 sekarang suka liat2 what's on Aussie.. we're just too much excited.. =D

the driving lesson, fasten the seat belt, adjust the mirror, start the engine and.. I floor it much much later... =D

this cute photograph, lagi ada promo susu alip, di hypermart balikpapan, beli susu dapet kesempatan difoto gratis.. this was taken on november 2010, baru inget.. =D

there are other amazing things to tell, but I'm too busy.. yep..