Sunday, November 28, 2010

wants another vacation

the last two week's theme was vacation freaks, it's over now.. time to be driven back to Tanjung and simple life waiting for us there.. there's still 2 days left if we wanna spend it with get Banjarmasin.. tapi my husband gak mau.. cape.. it's okay, there other things excite me so much, my super-old photographs, I brought it here, I'll scan them all then upload it to FB and tag my old friends.. I can't wait to see their reaction seeing their old face.. and I have too many stories I will write here down.. hmm.. live with Tracy the PC in Tanjung again.. :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

tour de home

let me say, I'm like a tourist in my home.. I wonder about anything has changed here.. feels like yesterday I just confirmed our tickets to Malang.. and now, I only have 3 days left here.. it always happened all the time, time is running when we're enjoying things..
things are so amazing here.. my house, my old school.. everyone,everything.. I always love my hometown and everything in it, always have and always will.. and for the next 12 months, they're only thing I'm gonna miss everyday.. but, hey, my husband will get his first training in Jakarta on January, whew!! :D I'll get home again..
things I'm gonna miss about my home
beloved mom

Monday, November 15, 2010

collapse di pecel family

messy things that I miss lots.. dunno why, being busy, no time to breathe, but I enjoyed too much.. and, yang paling bikin aku seneng adalah guyon sama karyawan2 yang udah kayak keluarga sendiri.. tadi aja baru dateng, lagi ngambilin nasi buat suamiku, tau2 ditepok pelanggan lama, gak nanya2 aku dari mana pokoknya langsung pesen langsung duduk, :D.. ya udah terpaksa suamiku nunggu, soalnya aku nduluin pelanggan.
people come and go, tadi juga, our beloved employee Ita, udah keluar,udah 2 minggu dia balik ke Mandar Sulawesi, her hometown.. lil loss feeling, but new employee has taken her place here.. ada 2 karyawan baru, yang satu udah berumur si, tapi orangnya rajin, kalo orang Jawa aku bilang "prigel" udah pinter kerjaan rumah tangga, kalo di dapur udah tau mesti ngapain, gak nanya2 lagi.. yang satu lagi, baru ketemu sekali aku langsung gak suka dan langsung aku omelin (aku paling sebel sama orang baru yang gak pinter banget, males, maunya di depan aja gak mau ke dapur dan kalo dikasi tau ngeyel) yang macam gini kalo ada aku biasanya sebentar aja kerja di pecel family.. mungkin dia juga bingung kali ya, ngeliat aku dateng, tau2 maen suruh2, ya si, my mom in-law juga capek kali tiap aku dateng dari Tanjung harus selalu ngenalin lagi ke karyawan2 baru.. sebenernya aku capek banget ni, tapi kangen liat FB ama twitter, jadi ya here I go again.. today was kinda super fun Monday in my life ever (lebay) hehehe..
foto2 ini aku ambil tadi jam 3-an sore udah gak sibuk banget..


Mondays, always lazy and sucks, but not for me today.. so many things kinda fun to do.. get to citilink to confirm our tickets then take a look around Balikpapan and more amazing things to get done.. maybe get some accessories for mr.olp the guitar.. and our trip yesterday was just as fun as next days we'll through.. got some snapshots of views during the travel.. and I got my first "kentut sadu".. sadu is kinda racoon but not exactly racoon we know, let me call it Indonesian Racoon.. hehehe and my husband, promise me dslr I really crave for, but with a condition, "mama harus ngerti dulu fitur2 di kamera pocket-nya mama itu" c'mon.. kamera mau bgt, tp belajar.. "no thanks, maybe later.." so here I answered him yesterday "gak usah de, org pengen kamera mahal cm buat gaya2an aja kok.." ^^V

Saturday, November 13, 2010

things I love this month

like I had said on my FB status this morning, there are things I've come to love since I've been longing about home.. they are homes, road-trips, vacations, family, airports, roads, and views during the long travel.. yes, they sounded so refreshing, exciting and I'm sure they're gonna be amazing.. so I just can't wait for my husband to get home and pack more stuff with him..
I'll be missing my small rent house here.. but, I'll be back here doing blog again for the next 2 weeks.. here are things I'm gonna miss when I'm not here, my pc, my dirty carpet, my dirty bed sheet (it's washed off ^^), my stinky bolsters, my pillows.. and everything smelt like Tanjung.. :)
some snapshots of Rumah Anggrek

hari "it's been too long I wait for it to come" datang juga

it's a day before tomorrow we'll get home, and another home.. *whooping* I should have done with my stuff, laundry and dishes.. and then pack my kumel duffel bag.. but I'm still here, I'm actually too much excited, so I just want to show how wonderful my day's gonna be today..
gaya suamiku pas mudik lebaran kemaren
things I have to be done with them today: dishes, ew.. I don't really love them.. I like to eat, more eat but if I could to chose, I will just eat without doing the dishes.. jk.. ehmmm seriously.. lol laundry, not so much better than dishes, but, rather do this than dishes.. when it's shiny, laundry could be so gentle and friendly to me.. but when it rains, c'mon.. I hate washing machine, it broke my expensive underwear.. lol pack my stuff, of course it's gonna be my favorite thing to do today.. pack and pack.. and smell my holiday so fresh.. :) then do some "going home" shopping, get some snacks for Alif and Papa for the road-trip.. it's gonna be 6 hours or more on the road.. I have to prepare everything, lunch on road, Alif's drinks, tissues, spoons, straws.. and all other funny things I love so much..
mejeng di depan mobilnya om dahlan dulu
so, best get them done now..!! ^^ semangat!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

rough life scratch

why scratch?? because it's like a tiny can't-be erased thing in life, lives on forever in our mind.. I ever been in a situation that kinda sucks.. I pressed myself that much to forget something unforgettable, and it feels like I have to remember something I never knew.. life sometimes like a roses with their thorns, there's a beautiful side and a dark side that may hurt us.. but, those rose's thorns are completely better than live super straight life with no roses.. I mean, we don't know how beautiful life is until we've been through rough things in life itself.. enough for rough things.. (cari mawar di mana ya buat difoto, lengkap sama duri2nya) :D

now-vember, the exciting month

at least, that's what I'm feeling.. being excited to have everything smells like days off of work, vacation, road-trip, hometown and whole family.. besides the month itself is full of spirits and sweetness things.. it comes from the deep down inside of me, I feel so open-hearted, open-minded, no more judging over things.. I feel like receive things have happened, let go things I can't tie together..
sky as a metaphor of mind and spirit
it's true a friend's quotation "you can do everything, when you understand" I think really deep about these words, being ihlas, accepting what's happened.. the only thing I need to do to let go of thing is understanding.. well, hopefully everybody will feel the same like I do now.. find something sweet and help us get through rough days.. better life, better days ahead of us all... :) clinicoustic

Thursday, November 11, 2010

to be inspiring

like mr. Obama kali.. well I actually just "liked" him.. I always thought he's just the same American, or Ameri-can't.. tapi first impression not always right, right? Obama's truly wonderful speech was so impressive and inspiring.. I was impressed then.. and I hope those good words he's spoken about Indonesia really came from his heart.. I'm not actually talking about "Obama in Indonesia" (still talking about him.. *what a wack!!*), but since I've listened his speech and watched how he acted during his staying in Indonesia, it really gets my opinion about something.. how to be so inspiring and impressive..?? I don't really see something special about this mr. Obama, he's just an ordinary people.. the only special thing about him was, he ever lived in Indonesia and his inspirational life story (admitting -_-").. it's that simple, wants to be impressive and be inspiring? tonton aja Mario Teguh Golden Ways, be impressed, be inspired then.. LOL seriously, that is one of my mom in-law's favorite tv show.. tp aku jg have some tips to do if you wanna be some kinda impressive person.. first, just be yourself, as long as you do things just for the right reasons.. mean what you say, say what you mean, be bold, be ambitious!! then, be gentle, be courteous, be kind, never underestimate other persons, love everyone, respect people as much as you expect others do back to you.. when you failed at your first, believe in second chance.. never give up, always be excited to face the world.. just live life positively, be a better person than you were yesterday, doing thing better, enrich your life.. I believe it wouldn't be too hard to do as long as you believe in yourself.. so, do your best, be your best, be an inspiration for people around you.. clinicoustic

think about home

these next 3 weeks are going to be most amazing times, we will spend 3 days in Balikpapan then fly to Malang, and we'll be there for about 8 days.. I can't wait for Saturday to pack my stuff and heading to my husband's hometown.. he completely needs to get some rest, and being in Balikpapan may refresh him before we get to Malang.. and I really miss our room in Balikpapan as much as I do to my hometown.. ^^
Mr. olp
we'll have my husband's another guitar with us driven to Balikpapan.. get some accessories for it.. and we'll bring it too to Malang then.. get its stuff, my husband's.. and it's gonna be my first Idul Adha in Malang since I've been 3 years living in Balikpapan then to Tanjung.. seems like this November is so exciting, full of fun and love of family's..

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

enjoy the boring town

know what's hot now? Obama in Indonesia, Merapi eruption still hot jg, and the halal shake btw mr. Tiffie and Michelle Obama *wacky* and whatsoever.. but, what excites me definitely not them.. it's my going back home stuff.. 3 days left before heading to Balikpapan then board to Malang, my hometown.. and I dunno why, my husband asked me to look around Tanjung, some kinda enjoy the 3 last days before his off.. I know exactly how boring this town.. So last night we spent a lil better part of our boring days at Dobbie (that place just as terrible as the town) but, it quiet entertained our son.. nayamul to better our simple life here.. ^^
at Dobbie T___T

another stormy mind

I remember when those trees tossing for the storm..

swirled their branches for the whirlwinds..

they tried to catch the stars of the black sky above..

I saw them bowed in glorious feeling for the rain..

singing, surrounded by the lightning..

but stars had gone too far..

though their song never stopped,

they were just cracked by the roaring thunders..

they teared me down..

seemed like the world didn't care that much if they live or die..

I see those trees are now silent..

I hear nothing,but can't be-erased memories in my head..

mistakes and regrets, things too great to hide..

my dark side still guides..


Monday, November 08, 2010

quit hating Mondays

Like I've always said, Mondays always suck, for some reasons, it does.. Just like today.. Seems like Monday never stop sucking my life.. Things break me sometimes, like a problem with no solution, but fact-not to be solved.. Just go with a flow.. And take a decision which way I ought to walk from there.. Maybe I just should do something can cheer me, especially on Monday.. Maybe do something different, wear thing that makes me feel good, wear my favorite cologne and body lotion.. Anything.. Well thank myself, I've downloaded Kariage so it can me smile a bit.. I think I never win fight against Monday.. I've been in the same situation, on each Monday.. I don't know how, just it is.. Just try to make my Monday lovely, but ever tried, ever failed.. Try again, fail again.. I don't know what, Monday sucks a lot, then if I die, it will still sucks anyway.. Now, just to wait for my husband to get home.. Then get everything's fixed.. (sigh) When Monday sucks and boring, take a nap..!! I'm taking now..

ngidam some kinda DSLR

I'm craving for it!! Canon EOS 550D
Dilihat dari mana2 emang bukan fotografer.. Not a photographer at all, never was, but maybe one day, I will be.. hehehe.. Hemm.. I know, taking some snapshots of buildings or flowers doesn't make me a photographer, but the feeling I've got when I see the result "Omigod, it's terrible.. LOL".. Tadi baca forum, pengalaman orang2 yang belajar fotografi, kayaknya emang cukup menyenangkan, tapi yang paling bikin aku felt struck, stared unbelieving, pengalaman ibu2 yang lagi hamil 4 bulan.. Gini ceritanya, seumur2 mbak ini gak pernah sekali pun tertarik dengan fotografi, pegang kamera aja cuma kamera HP, tapi tiba2 aja dia pengen kamera dan dia meyakinkan suaminya kalau itu bener2 karena ngidam dan harus dituruti.. setelah blah3 panjang lebar, akhirnya kesampean juga dibeliin kamera Canon EOS 550D yang harganya 8jtan.. Padahal suaminya agak2 gak ihlas juga, tapi ya udahlah daripada anaknya ngiler ntar.. Enak banget si mbak, cuma pakai alasan ngidam dapet kamera idaman.. Jadi pengen hamil ni, terus ntar ngidam juga minta kamera canon 550D yang nggantheng banget itu.. Tapi ada juga ni yang agak murahan dari canon 550D, nikon D3000 kok harganya cuma 4 jt.. Beneran gak ya.. Emang kalau spesifikasi kamera gitu aku gak ngerti at all, tapi suamiku cukup taulah untuk bukan a photographer.. Kalau cuma buat jeprat jepret dan sedikit belajar fotografi gak papa de.. T____T melas... Beberapa teman recommend nikon 5000D, mau yang mana aja pokoknya "dream on Ma'am!!" LOL.. Ya si, kalau udah menikah gini, beli ini itu emang harus dipikir betul2 itu barang emang butuh banget atau nggak.. Mama butuh Pa..!! Beliin dong!! :D

Saturday, November 06, 2010

kangen Kariage Kun

Kariage Kun
Dunno what or why, tiba2 kangen baca komik yang aku baca mulai jaman smp dulu.. Kariage Kun.. Jadilah aku langsung minta beliin suamiku, aku tau di kaskus banyak yang jual komik2 lama macam gitu, dan biasanya dijual sepaket langsung tamat.. Yah.. tapi di kaskus udah sold semua.. Gak papa de, tadi dapet juga thread Kariage ini.. hasil scan gitu, nayamul buat ngobatin kangen..
Kariage Kun ini adalah salah satu manga karya Masashi Ueda, berciri 4 coma yaitu manga strip yang tiap ceritanya hanya berupa empat buah panel.. Sebagian besar cerita di manga ini menceritakan kejahilan Kariage dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, bahkan kadang-kadang berupa kritik sosial akan kehidupan masyarakat di Jepang, bahkan kadang-kadang Masashi Ueda juga memasukkan pengalaman pribadinya yang menggelitik ke dalam manga ini.. Aku suka banget tokoh Kariage ini soalnya tokohnya sangat apa adanya, tentang seorang karyawan biasa banget di PT. Honyara yang bergaji rendah dan tinggal di apartemen murahan, mungkin kalau di Indonesia nge-kos gitu kali ya.. Orangnya usil banget, mulai dari direktur perusahaan dia bekerja, teman kantor dan bahkan orang yang tidak dia kenal pun dia kerjain.. Dan yang paling aku sukain dari Kariage ini, dia tuh paling sirik dengan orang yang lebih beruntung dari dia, sifat yang sangat manusiawi'kan?? :D

wondrous mystical mind

I ever wished to rise...

ah, dream!!

they're up there..

pretty clouds of my cold dreary day..

they come floating into my mind..

no longer to carry rain and storm..

but to add color to my sky...

trees and rivers, grass of the mountain..

clouds and winds, stars and the sky..

they leave impression of the soul of mine..

they teach me lessons of life than I've ever learned before..

sickness and broken heart,

like the dark heavy clouds in the sky..

I just need to let the water off to make it relieved..

and the new sun will be shining so bright..

I know there are so many paths to the top of life..

but I believe, one day no more thing will ever stop me

from achieving my goal..

nothing on earth ever..

mountains and hills will be low..

the rough places will be straight..

I've learned..

that it's not the problems I defeat but myself..

it's not any mountain I conquer but my own passion..

and tomorrow will be my day..

when I see that mountain waiting..

I'll just get on my way...


Thursday, November 04, 2010

the grass's mellow lullaby

the silence here stands beside me, it guides me.. there was something about being lonely for me.. I'm making sense of it.. thing I can't be with it together.. thing I've lost, or thing I'll never have.. I like to think of flowers, grass and trees.. they sing me a lullaby.. I'm laying on the grass.. through the night, with a light from above.. and feel my dream I dream alone.. realize it, it was just a dream.. grass is always a wonderful metaphor for loneliness.. being alone, kissed by the rain.. let it wash away my pain.. the terrible winds sweep away my emptiness.. things in my life appear and disappear.. they remind me that I'm not completed in myself.. I don't want to be alone.. don't wanna be left alone.. all I understand, grass, wind and the sky.. grass never stop playing their song for me.. wind blows my sickness away from me.. and, I'll keep my mind as bright and clear as the sky.. loneliness spurs me to find something to live for.. it makes me resign to it, and get great enough thing to die for.. clinicoustic

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kompleks Pertamina Gunung Dubbs Balikpapan

Baru tau kalo ternyata kompleks perumahan ini sudah ada dari jaman Belanda dulu.. Bangunan, jalan2nya dan arsitekturnya semua adalah peninggalan Belanda dan belum berubah sama sekali sampai sekarang.. Dari masa Belanda menguasai Balikpapan, dan melakukan pengeboran minyak pertama kali di sini yang lokasi pengeboran pertamanya disebut Sumur Minyak Mathilda..
Beberapa foto narsis di rumah Pertamina lama ^^ Jl. Lombok no. 25 Gn. Dubbs Balikpapan

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